Case Summary:
Today’s Date: 0745
S: John Arnold, 72 y/o male, Room 25
B: You are a nursing student caring for a patient: in sub-acute medicine, with a diagnosis of urinary retention. He has a foley catheter. His past medical history is hypertension and benign prostate hypertension. You were in the room and assessed Mr. Arnold approximately 30 mins ago prior to your med prep.
A: The findings of your assessment were:
- BP: 118/78 mmHg
- HR: 74 bpm & regular
- Temp: 36.4°C oral
- RR: 16/min regular
- Sats: 98% on RA
Pt is alert and orientated x 3. Foley draining clear amber urine of sufficient quantity. Currently the patient is comfortable in bed, visiting with his son.
R: You have researched and prepared the AM medications for this patient, completing the first and second checks with your CEF. You are now ready to go to the bedside for your 3rd check with your MAR.
Game focus:
This virtual simulation game focuses on the safe administration of oral medications.
Suggested target audience:
All undergraduate nursing students.