Keith Gregor is a 26-year-old male with a 10-year history of ulcerative colitis resulting in a colectomy 14 months ago and placement of ileostomy. Presented to ER with a 36-hour history of vomiting and increased ileostomy output. He was pale, tachycardic and hypotensive. Bloodwork shows hypernatremia and dehydration. He was given 2 L of NS IV in ER and is admitted to the medical unit with IV NS infusing at 125 mL/hr. He had repeat lab work drawn with results pending.
Game synopsis:
This virtual simulation involves a patient with an ileostomy. The patient has experienced 36 hours of vomiting and increased output from their ileostomy. This has resulted in a fluid and electrolyte imbalance. The nurse must complete an assessment, identify abnormal symptoms and prioritize nursing interventions.
Suggested target audience:
Intermediate and advanced nursing students.