The client is a 23-year-old female, G1P1T1A0L1, who delivered a healthy baby 4 hours ago. Delivered a female, at 3650 grams- spontaneous vaginal delivery with forceps, due to shoulder dystocia requiring vacuum and forceps. The patient had a midline episiotomy with 1st-degree tear. Labour lasted 13 hours. Morphine 2.5 mg was given 5 hours ago. EBL less than 250ml, PV loss moderate rubra – wearing pad. The patient has ambulated to the bathroom once for 200cc of urine. Breastfeeding initiated. Her partner just went home to shower and change. The client has been transferred from labour and delivery to the postpartum unit. You are the assigned nurse who needs to complete the initial patient assessment. The newborn is in the nursery for assessment and the first bath at the mother’s request.
Game synopsis:
This virtual simulation game focuses on a virtual healthcare encounter between a nurse nursing student and a mother who just gave birth, working in primary care. The intended learners are undergraduate nursing students (years2-4) having knowledge of maternity nursing. This learning experience incorporates the BUBBLE mnemonic (Breast, Uterus, Bowels, Bladder, Lochia, Episiotomy/Laceration/C-Section Incision) method of performing a post-partum health assessment on a new mother within the first 4 hours of delivery.
Suggested target audience:
Nursing students enrolled in a maternal-child course.