This simulation is available only
to members of CAN-Sim.

Maria Riviere is a 33-year-old female (pronouns: they, them) who arrives at the emergency department with vaginal spotting that started this morning but has increased in severity over the past 2 hours now, soaking two pads in the past hour. They have associated mild lower abdominal cramping. There is no associated fever, chills, or urinary symptoms. No other significant medical history was reported. They have a confirmed pregnancy, 12 weeks gestation, via ultrasound. Patient is G2 T0 P0 A1 L0. They also report anxiety related to past encounters with healthcare providers.

Game synopsis:

This virtual simulation simulation is designed to prepare nursing students and nurses for the complexities of early pregnancy complications while integrating sensitive communication techniques and considerations for mental health during medical treatment.

Suggested target audience:

Nursing and allied healthcare learners and practitioners

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