CAN-Sim Collaboration with Innov2Learn
CAN-Sim is excited to announce a new collaboration with [...]
CAN-Sim is excited to announce a new collaboration with [...]
The Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using SImulation (CAN-Sim) 2025 conference will occur May [...]
he Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation or CAN-Sim [...]
For their tireless efforts in connecting nurse educators and allied health partners from across Canada and beyond to share knowledge, resources and expertise in areas of simulation research and education, COUPN is pleased to recognize CAN-Sim’s strong contributions to nursing education.
This Code of Ethics establishes a set of values to support the quality and ethical practice of healthcare simulation, and more broadly, moves the specialty yet another step forward as a professionally recognized field of practice in healthcare.
Nurse educators from across the country contributed to the development and review of the first Canadian Certified Simulation Nurse Educator (CCSNE) exam and online preparatory course, and were the first to receive the CCSNE designation in advance of the first cohort to write the upcoming exam in March, 2019.