Christian’s Story
This virtual simulation demonstrates use of the ERASE Framework in response to microaggressions in a clinical setting. The experience does not cover all possibilities and is meant to give learners options that they can choose to apply in their own practice. There are many other models and frameworks that offer alternative options for learners and therefore there are no true “right” or “wrong” options. The goal is to empower learners by providing examples of how to respond to different microaggressions in the clinical setting.
Nik’s Story
This virtual simulation demonstrates use of the Microaggression Triangle Model in response to witnessing microaggressions in a clinical setting. This model is appropriate for use by bystanders and allies. The experience does not cover all possibilities and is meant to give learners options that they can choose to apply in their own practice. There are many other models and frameworks that offer alternative options for learners and therefore there are no true “right” or “wrong” options. The goal is to empower learners by providing examples of how to respond to different microaggressions in the clinical setting.
Da’eun’s Story
This virtual simulation demonstrates use of the 6-Step Approach in response to microaggressions in a clinical setting, and the SENSE Debriefing Method to debrief the encounter, as well as the ARISE response of the Microaggressions Triangle Model for bystanders. The experience does not cover all possibilities and is meant to give learners options that they can choose to apply in their own practice. There are many other models and frameworks that offer alternative options for learners and therefore there are no true “right” or “wrong” options. The goal is to empower learners by providing examples of how to respond to different microaggressions in the clinical setting.
Sophie’s Story
This virtual simulation experience centers on a nursing student encounter with a patient who makes an inappropriate comment to them that is intended to be positive but has detrimental effects. The nursing student asks the clinical instructor for support, but the clinical instructor does not provide support.
This virtual simulation demonstrates use of strategic responses to racial microaggressions in a clinical setting.
Yasmin’s Story
Yasmin Ali (pronouns she/her) is a second-year nursing student who is assigned care for Mr. Martin on a medical-surgical unit during her clinical placement. It is 0800 and Yasmin is accompanied by her clinical instructor where she will conduct an initial patient assessment.
This virtual simulation supports BIPOC students to address experiences of racism and/or microaggression.

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