Resources & Announcements


Equipping for Equity Modules

Have you been trying to provide good care but it just seems like there are a million barriers? Do you want to provide better care to people who seem hardest to serve? Do you want to be more satisfied in your work? Do you want to have a bigger impact?

April 25, 2018|

The Simulated Patient Network (SPN)

The SPN aims to provide individuals interested in simulated patient (SP) practice with a network to share with and from each other. SPs are individuals trained to portray real patients. SPs contribute to health professional education in many ways. There is a spectrum of SP practices that are expanding. The SPN aims to connect SPs, educators, students, clinicians and others through this website.

April 25, 2018|


A peer-reviewed, open-access journal that promotes educational scholarship and dissemination of teaching and assessment resources in the health professions. Find simulation scenarios, escape room scenarios, SP cases, team-based learning, problem-based learning curricula, and more.

April 25, 2018|


ICU-IS-SIM is The Alfred ICU’s In Situ Simulation programme, coordinated by Dr Chris Nickson. Each week we aim to involved at least 10-20 staff members as active participants in our in situ simulation sessions. This is typically performed within the unit, using real equipment, with team members performing their usual roles.

April 25, 2018|

A guide for the assessment of clinical competence using simulation

The idea behind the creation of this guide emanated from workshops and collegial discussions between health science educators within the Universitas 21 Health Sciences Group. Through our engagements it became evident that whilst clinical simulation practices are rapidly gaining traction in health professional education, not everyone is equally capacitated to make full use of this powerful and exciting teaching, learning and assessment methodology.

April 25, 2018|

Augmented Reality Integrated Simulation Education (ARISE)

The ARISE project merges the concepts of simulation with augmented reality and game-based situated learning theory within 150 scenarios for healthcare students. Media augments reality with rich video, pictures, and sounds. Each simulation starts with a video of a live nurse report as would occur during shift-to-shift report, followed by a video introduction to a live simulated patient.

April 25, 2018|

Practical Clinical Skills

Practical Clinical Skills provides training and reference guides. Our simulation-based lessons cover heart sounds, murmurs, lung sounds, carotid bruit, blood pressure measurement and EKG training. The quick reference guides are a timely information source at the point of care.

April 25, 2018|

Top Ten Adult Nursing Situations for High-Fidelity Simulation

The objective in developing the top 10 situations in adult nursing for high-fidelity simulation was to highlight the most important complex clinical events for baccalaureate nursing students to experience before entering practice, regardless of where they choose to work.

April 25, 2018|

Nursing Simulation Library – Montgomery College

The Nursing Simulation Scenario Library is a resource for nursing educators in all settings and made possible by the generosity of the Healthcare Initiative Foundation. The library is being expanded through the support of the Nurse Support Program (NSPII) funded by the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC).

April 25, 2018|

Virtual Healthcare Experience

This portal provides healthcare students and professionals with an experiential learning opportunity for practising client care in a safe virtual environment. Here you can access a number of simulation experiences that will engage you in clinical decision making.

April 25, 2018|

Free COVID-19 Virtual Patient Scenario from Body Interact

Founded in January 2008 by Teresa Pinto and Pedro Pinto, Take the Wind (TTW) is a leading company in technology for clinical education, with clients worldwide including major scientific societies, hospitals, medical schools, nursing schools and Continued Medical Education providers as well as top-10 pharma companies in more than 35 countries.

April 25, 2018|

PPE For Family Caregivers

This video was created to assist family caregivers who are entering long-term care or palliative care units to provide care to their family- members during the Covid-19 pandemic.

April 25, 2018|

Critical Care for the Non-ICU Clinician

SCCM's Critical Care for the Non-ICU Clinician provides online education to healthcare professionals who may benefit from critical care training. Be prepared with this free resource.

April 25, 2018|

Virtual Simulation: Online H5P Branching Scenarios

New scenarios are added to this Google document as they are created by the Open RN team. These scenarios are free and open to use, adapt or modify. They have been created with free H5P software and are also located in Canvas Commons so they can easily be added to your LMS. Scenarios are based on the ARISE Project, with more information available on Skills Commons.

April 25, 2018|

Food Security Quest

The Food Security Quest is a learning game focused on the topic of food security. The game allows players to step into the life of a fictional character in order to help the character navigate different decisions while trying to stay food secure.

April 25, 2018|

Ryerson University Pressbooks

Contents - Preface, Pediatric Patient with an Acute Injury and Post-operative Event, Introduction, Pediatric Patient Virtual Simulation, Virtual Simulation Summary, Reflective Questions

April 25, 2018|

Debrief 2 Learn

Effective feedback and debriefing play a critical role in healthcare education in both simulated and workplace-based environments. Debrief2Learn supports clinical educators by sharing resources to guide faculty development and exploring the latest innovations.

April 25, 2018|


Join CAN-Sim today!

Join CAN-Sim today!

Becoming a member provides a great opportunity to network and share resources with other nurse educators and allied health professionals using simulation across Canada and internationally.

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