Collaborating for excellence in simulation education and research.

Connecting nurse educators and allied health partners from across Canada and beyond to share knowledge, resources and expertise in areas of simulation research and education.



Will be held at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Burnaby, B.C., CANADA


*CAN-Sim Virtual Simulation Design Preconference Workshop May 3-4, 2025

*Welcome Reception and Exhibit Hall Opening May 4, 2025, 4:00-6:00PM

*Exciting Keynote Presentations

*CAN-Sim Research Grant Recipient Presentations

*Oral and Poster Presentations: Research and Innovation Streams

*Interactive Workshops and Panel Presentations


The next call for proposals for the CAN-Sim Research and Innovation Grants is now open.

Due June 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM (Eastern time)

Successful recipients will be announced by Aug 31, 2024.

Dr. Marian Luctkar-Flude and Dr. Jane Tyerman, Co-Presidents of CAN-Sim, accept the SSH Virtual Simulation 2023 Innovation Award for their leadership and innovation in creating virtual simulation games for nursing education.

CAN-Sim Presidents sign affiliation agreement with Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) President at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) in Orlando, Jan 24, 2023.

Congratulations to CAN-Sim member Laura Killam, recipient of a 2023 SSH Early Career Research Award for her project on student experiences of virtual simulation co-creation.

CAN-Sim Launched New Website May 1, 2022

Our updated website features a more streamlined navigation and quick access to over 100 peer-reviewed clinical scenarios and over 150 virtual simulation games hosted in a searchable repository.

CAN-Sim wins 2021 COUPN Award for Strategic Contribution to Nursing Education!

In a nursing education landscape greatly disrupted due to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation (CAN-Sim) has stepped up to the plate…

CAN-Sim Virtual Simulation Game (VSG) Design Workshops

Individuals or organizations can book or register for a CAN-Sim VSG Design Workshop in one of three formats: in-person, online or hybrid delivery. Participants will experience writing learning outcomes and assessment rubrics, developing decision point maps with rationale, writing filming scripts, filming over zoom and/or filming in the simulation lab, and assembling video clips into a VSG using the CAN-Sim VSG template.

Learn more about what we offer…

Clinical Simulation Scenarios

CAN-Sim Full Members (Paid & Contributing Members) have access to over 100 peer-reviewed clinical simulations on a variety of clinical topics.

Virtual Simulation Games (VSGs)

CAN-Sim Paid & Contributing Members have access to over 150 VSGs. CAN-Sim General and Student Members have access to over 50 open access VSGs and escape rooms.

Webinars & Videos

CAN-Sim Members have access to monthly webinars on a variety of simulation education topics. Members can access past webinars, educational videos and trailers on our YouTube Channel.

Resources & Research

CAN-Sim Members have access to a directory of open-access simulation resources and a list of member publications. CAN-Sim Paid & Contributing Members can join the Simulation Research Interest Group.


Join CAN-Sim today!

Join CAN-Sim today!

Becoming a member provides a great opportunity to network and share resources with other nurse educators and allied health professionals using simulation across Canada and internationally.

Highly-skilled, independent professional freelancer.

Featured Open-Access
Virtual Simulation Games

The following virtual simulation games are free to use without a membership

Responding to Racism in the Classroom and Clinical Settings

Virtual simulations to support health professions students and instructors to address racism.

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (SOGI) Nursing

The toolkit consists of five lessons, including four virtual simulation games of varying lengths, in a variety of settings, and across a range of professional expertise. Additional resources are housed on the website.

Essential Skills Training For Healthcare Workers

This series of VSGs aims to strengthen the capacity of graduating nursing students, new front-line nurses, nurses returning to work, and other healthcare workers to provide care during the COVID-19 health crisis.

Developing Public Health Nursing Competencies Through Virtual Simulation Games

This series of VSGs aims to develop public health nursing competencies in community assessment, health promotion, and program planning, implementation and evaluation.

Vaccine Conversations

The toolkit consists of three bilingual virtual simulation modules, involving in a variety of practitioners regard vaccine hesitancy conversations Additional resources are housed on the website.

Wound Assessment and Management

This educational toolbox consists of four Virtual Simulation Games (VSGs), of varying lengths, in a variety of settings and across a range of wound types. The toolbox includes a virtual pre-quiz and post-quiz for users to assess their knowledge.

Active Offer of

French Language Services

Information for the implementation of best practices on the active offer in your clinical practice.

Addressing Culturally based Hidden bias
and Racism (A CHARM)

This series of virtual simulation modules highlight frameworks and strategies for nursing students to use to address racism in clinical settings.

Our Organizational Members

Our Collaborators

Our Affiliate Organizations

Our Media Partners


CAN-Sim Research
Interest Group

CAN-Sim Research

Interest Group

We have had a number of members express interest in exploring research collaborations. Thus we have set up a CAN-SIM Research Interest Group to provide opportunities for collaboration and mentorship.