CAN-Sim is proud to provide access to over open-access virtual simulations as well as an additional virtual simulations for our paid and contributing members

These short VSGs were developed by Ontario nurse educators which align with full in-person peer-reviewed scenarios. All resources can be accessed via the links below. French language games are in final development stages and will be available upon request.

Highly-skilled, independent professional freelancer.

Featured Open-Access
Virtual Simulation Games

The following virtual simulation games are free to use without a membership

Responding to Racism in the Classroom and Clinical Settings

Virtual simulations to support health professions students and instructors to address racism.

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (SOGI) Nursing

The toolkit consists of five lessons, including four virtual simulation games of varying lengths, in a variety of settings, and across a range of professional expertise. Additional resources are housed on the website.

Essential Skills Training For Healthcare Workers

This series of VSGs aims to strengthen the capacity of graduating nursing students, new front-line nurses, nurses returning to work, and other healthcare workers to provide care during the COVID-19 health crisis.

Developing Public Health Nursing Competencies Through Virtual Simulation Games

This series of VSGs aims to develop public health nursing competencies in community assessment, health promotion, and program planning, implementation and evaluation.

Vaccine Conversations

The toolkit consists of three bilingual virtual simulation modules, involving in a variety of practitioners regard vaccine hesitancy conversations Additional resources are housed on the website.

Wound Assessment and Management

This educational toolbox consists of four Virtual Simulation Games (VSGs), of varying lengths, in a variety of settings and across a range of wound types. The toolbox includes a virtual pre-quiz and post-quiz for users to assess their knowledge.

Active Offer of

French Language Services

Information for the implementation of best practices on the active offer in your clinical practice.

Addressing Culturally based Hidden bias
and Racism (A CHARM)

This series of virtual simulation modules highlight frameworks and strategies for nursing students to use to address racism in clinical settings.

Below is a full listing of all the open-access virtual simulation games available through CAN-Sim. Click on any of the titles to learn more about the simulation, target audience, descriptions, etc.

Search Simulations

  • Care of a Patient Experiencing Diabetic Ketoacidosis

    This is a virtual pre- simulation game involving the assessment and care of a patient being treated with diabetic ketoacidosis.

  • Care of the Adult Experiencing Respiratory Distress (Presimulation Preparation)

    This virtual pre-simulation game focuses on relevant assessment and interventions when an inpatient experiences respiratory distress.

  • Care of the Older Adult with Urosepsis (Presimulation Preparation)

    This virtual pre-simulation game focuses on relevant assessment and interventions in a deteriorating patient with urosepsis.

  • Care of Ventilated Patient

    This virtual simulation game focuses on the care of the critically ill, ventilated patient with covid-19.

  • CHARM: Christian’s Story

    This virtual simulation involves an ethical situation where a patient is injured due to the inappropriate use of restraints. The assigned nurse refuses to document the incident and demands another nurse who witnessed the injury not to disclose the incident.

  • COVID-19 Assessment and PPE

    This is a virtual simulation game focusing on COVID-19 assessment and personal protective equipment (PPE) for providers and individuals seeking care.

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis (Presimulation Preparation)

    This is a virtual simulation game involving the assessment and care of a patient being treated with diabetic ketoacidosis.

  • Geriatric Fluid Volume Deficiency

    This virtual simulation game guides students through the assessment and treatment of fluid and electrolyte imbalance in the geriatric patient.

  • Interprofessional Team Meeting

    This virtual simulation game focuses on an unresponsive patient where the player is required to respond to critical thinking questions related to prioritized assessments and nursing interventions.

  • Multiple Organ Dysfunction

    This virtual simulation game focuses on the care of the critically ill client with exploration of special considerations for COVID-19 patients.

  • Multiple Patient Prioritization

    This virtual simulation involves a nurse assigned to multiple patients. The learner must prioritize care, rapidly synthesize information, and communicate essential information to the healthcare team.

  • Nursing Care: Spontaneous Abortion

    This virtual simulation game explores a post-secondary school student who is experiencing increased stress and anxiety resulting in sleep disturbances. The nurse must perform a mental health assessment.

  • Pediatric Patient – Acute Injury Post-operative Event

    This virtual simulation supports BIPOC students to address experiences of racism and/or microaggression.

  • Public Health Nursing – Community Assessment

    In this virtual simulation, the learner will assume the role of a public health nurse who is conducting a community assessment exploring the population health issue of food insecurity.

  • Public Health Nursing – Health Promotion

    In this virtual simulation, the learner will continue their role as a public health nurse in the development of population-based health promotion intervention addressing food insecurity with community partners.

  • Public Health Nursing – Program Planning

    In this virtual simulation, the learner, as a public health nurse, collaborates with community partners to develop and evaluate a program for food security.

  • Respiratory Deterioration

    This virtual simulation game focuses on the assessment and treatment of a patient with COVID-19 experiencing respiratory deterioration.

  • Running A Code

    This virtual simulation game focuses on effective communication strategies when a patient/client is given bad news and engaging in end-of-life discussions.

  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Nursing – Cody’s Story

    This virtual simulation game focuses on personal assumptions about sexuality and gender and providing culturally humble care to LGBTQI2S individuals.

  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Nursing – Conner’s Story

    This virtual simulation game focuses on effective communication that is gender-identity sensitive, respectful and used to empower patients.

  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Nursing – Sarah’s Story

    This virtual simulation game allows the player to understand personal assumptions about heterosexism and explore effective communication strategies when conducting a sexual health history with an adolescent queer female patient.

  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Nursing – Wolfgang’s Story

    This virtual simulation game allows the player to understand personal assumptions about heterosexism and explore effective communication strategies to be used with older gay adults.

  • Wound Care: Adam’s Story

    This virtual simulation game focuses on an unresponsive patient where the player is required to respond to critical thinking questions related to prioritized assessments and nursing interventions.


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Becoming a member provides a great opportunity to network and share resources with other nurse educators and allied health professionals using simulation across Canada and internationally.